Friday, July 09, 2004

Moving On

With the release of the results last Wednesday, the suspense thriller that is the Board Exam has now ended, and so somehow, the much-heated blog discussion regarding this subject can also be officially put to rest. Well at least, until the next installment of the Nightmare on Board Exam Street comes. When that time comes, raves and rantings about the Board Exam will again resurface, and so will the perennial mystery question: “Did he pass?”

Also, with the release of the results, I also have lifted my self-imposed hiatus from uploading articles. To those who are keeping track, it has been around 3 weeks since my last (long) blogger article, and 2 weeks since my last comment. Someone in the message board has also commented that there has not been much activity for the past week or so. Not that I’m saying that I am the cause of these, but I find it a little interesting that simultaneous to my recluse, the non-activity also happened. In his personal blog, Johannes (or at least to be technically-correct, in fairness to “Anonymous”, someone who claims to be “Johannes”) would refer to this symptoms to “slacking”.

But I am not slacking. At least, I don’t think I am.

I have been busy the past 2 weeks, not just with my academic works, but also with my other extra co-curricular activities. This includes, among others, finishing our group’s final reports from last semester, doing desktop wallpapers doodles, fine-tuning a paper to be presented at a convention (hopefully), watching movies both on the big and small screen, and continuing to follow-up respondents for my informal, non-sanctioned research about student orgs. I also found time to attend the dramatic script-writing workshop that Nap posted about a week ago.

I also have some 2-3 articles already lined up, although they are just lined up, with splashes of incoherent topic sentences here and there. Originally, when I started blogging, I have made it a point of uploading at least 1 one article per week. Just to keep my mind and writing skills sharp.

But Board Exam came. And then my article about it. And then the reactions from all sides. Since there was too much activity at that time, I decided to just sit back and watch the show unfold. Also, since the Board Exam results haven’t released yet, I figured that no one will pay good attention to any new topic that might be brought up since the “hot” item is still the Board Exam.

That sounds like a nice justification for “slacking”. But what really pushed me to “slack” was the feeling that I’m getting from the audience here that they do not want to hear “negative news”. For those that are updated to the goings-on around here, you may notice that some people have commented that I’m too pessimistic, that my articles are somewhat depressing in tone, and that I delve into the problem too much, that I do not actually do anything to help solve that problem.

And although I have tried to explain why my writing is such, and that I am actually doing something about it, people still get the impression that I’m too cynical to do anything productive, and that I want others to join me in my world of misery.

I then began to think that maybe my style of writing is not suitable here, that maybe the brooding tone of my articles does not sit too well with the audience in this blogspace. I’m not actually saying that these people do not like my writing (nobody has yet stated that explicitly, thankfully); it’s just that they do not prefer to hear negative thoughts. It’s like some sort of paranoia creeping into me, that I’m feeling everyone is against me. Maybe I had watched too many conspiracy theory movies.

And so, I decided to stop uploading my articles for a while.

I also took these two weeks of non-blog activity as an opportunity to reflect on the following:
Were my articles really that depressing? And if it were really depressing, then how would you have preferred to have it said, such that the message gets across while still maintaining a happy disposition? Are my methods of communication poor such that people do not get my message across even if I have explained it already in simple phrases?

I have considered writing my articles more cheerfully, ala a typical Disney cartoon, complete with happy, fairy tale endings. But then, that would have lessen the impact of the message I’m trying to convey. It’s like having the Godfather trilogy end with Michael Corleone still being the head of the Mafia Empire, and he and his wife, Kay Adams Mitchelson, getting back together, and that his daughter, Mary Corleone, and his step-nephew, Vinnie Corleone, get married, and have babies who will be the future Godfathers.

In the end of my so-called reflection, I came to the conclusion that maybe I’m just indeed paranoid. And that all this rambling is just an excuse to post yet another long article just to irritate Mr./Ms. Anonymous.

I also came to the assessment that blogging is NOT the best way to have a decent discussion about certain topics, especially the touchy ones (like the recent one about the UAP compulsory membership thing). The facial expressions, the tone, the hand gestures and the body language that come with saying what you have to say are lost in a conglomeration of expression-less words. Also, since the comments do not come instantaneously, there is much time lost in between replies, such that a topic may become stale even before people have commented on it.

And when you have not come to know in totality the person who wrote the article, you are more likely to misunderstand him/her, because your interpretation of the words that are appearing in the screen are based on your perspective, and NOT on the writer’s perspective. If you are in a jolly mood that day, like for example, learning that you passed the board exam, then you will see the article in a more positive light. If you are in a bad mood that day, like for example, learning that you flunked the board exam, then you will see the article in a gloomy light. The discussions will even reach a higher pitch if people who are involved in the discussions use aliases which do not reveal their true identities.

But nevertheless, best way or not, this blogger is still an appealing venue for people to sound off what’s on their mind. They may not be the best thoughts that are popping out of their noggin, but still, ideas are ideas, and no matter how you deny it, they give us variety. Whether that variety is good or not, now that, is a good subject for debate in itself.

And just by writing this article, somehow I have reinforced to myself that blogging is indeed appealing, and that it is a nice venue to sound off what’s on my mind. And that it doesn’t matter whether people agree with your viewpoint or not, or that you cannot form a consensus regarding a topic. There are other venues to do that, like for example, this bok talk that’s coming up tomorrow. Now that’s a better way of discussion. Face to face. Comment as they come, with no delays. No aliases. No hidden identities. Unless someone comes with a mask.

And so, I’ve decided to lift my self-imposed work stoppage, and continue to upload articles. I cannot guarantee that I will change the brooding tone of my writing, nor can I guarantee that I will not ruffle the feathers of the readers. What I can guarantee though is that they will be long, since the brain is just churning out ideas so fast that it seems to be a waste not to put them in writing.

So let this serve to be a warning for all those people who do not like long blogs. Because it will be long.



At 6:36 PM, Blogger Pon said...

kons, you think too much. just blog when you feel like it! :)

At 8:07 PM, Blogger super inday said...

i am now self-imposed ambassador of peace (epal ako eh) no deregatory remarks, please. if you are inclined to be negative... ahhhh... hmmm. pwede bang mag-block ng users dito? fine fine fine, freedom of speech. just do not resort to ad hominem or ad baculum (uuuy, comm 2!) =p oh kons... ah... you can try being a little succint, and if you don't mind, maybe i can edit your works for you so that they won't be as wordy as they are? suggestion lang, please don't take offense. (you yourself know you have a tendency to over-blog.) peace? peace.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger ben tumbling said...

"Succinct" is such a nice word. You seem to have a good vocabulary Fongi.
Being succinct as told by my professional writer friends is one of the "secrets" to good writing. The guideline is basically trying to pare down what you would have written down in an initial draft to just about 50%. This develops the discipline of being focused and concise as well as being readable. However, it's not very easy to know when enough is enough. I myself fail in this as I do get wordy at times but I do give the effort of not protracting my writing anymore than I should as much as possible.
Kons, in fairness to Fongi, you do tend to ramble to the point where the focus of your writing is lost at times. I think that is what Fongi means by "overblogging", so yes Pirallah, overblogging is indeed possible in that sense. I admit, I'm guilty of overblogging myself at times (like right now).
The unfortunate thing when this happens is that people tend to react on things in your writing that's beside the point you are trying to make.
Take this "Moving On" piece for example, it contains some interesting thoughts but it also goes all over the place. What happened now is that people are commenting on the writing instead of those substantial thoughts.
It also doesn't help if you have a condescending tone when you write which you do Kons. I for one appreciate your flair for the dramatic but the majority of people basically don't like being talked down to (i.e. using words like "let this be a warning..", "people don't understand.... even if I put it in simple pharases", etc.).
Again that only serves to distract people from the good points you are trying to make. It doesn't matter if they don't know you as a person or whatever, you have to be aware that taking swipes at other people (even if they're anonymous), being sarcastic and condescending does give out negative vibes. It's not about the issues you raise, they are valid issues, it's the delivery of the content. Yes, it is about communication.
No one is perfect of course but we can always strive to improve.
Again, keep writing.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger kons said...

Wow! just posted this yesterday afternoon, and less than 24 hours later, loads of comments!

Anyway, i do admit i'm guilty as charged on the following accounts:
a) 7 counts of overblogging and rambling
b) 4 counts of condescending tone
c) multiple counts of thinking too much

No excuses. It's just that i'm still a neophyte at creative writing, if you would call it "creative", and am still trying to develop my "writing craft". Someday, twenty years down the line, i shall look back at my articles here and say to myself: "My, i could have cut down that in just 4 paragraphs!"

Just a note on the condescending tone and flair for the dramatics. i guess i watch movies too much, such that when i'm writing, i usually am thinking how these lines are to be said. Sort of like a spoof ba. So, these condesceding tones are not intended to be condescending in the first place. Apologies to all those who felt they hurt by it.

Another note, this time on the article itself. When i started writing this, i had a "darker" 2nd half to it. i had wanted to say this and that, and would have put down and poked some people's feelings here. But then, i realized i had just wanted to get even to people here. And with a clearer mind and upon reflection, by doing that, i would have defeated my purpose for writing in the first place. And so, i had to change that second half of the article on the spot as i was already uploading the article in the internet. As some of you have noted, the article takes on already on a different tone on the 2nd part because i was already on a different mindset at that time. So again, apologies for burdening you with thought-generator malfunction.

Last note: My writing NEVER intends to make character attacks to other people, or to make them feel stupid, ignorant or worthless. If ever i'm going to "attack" other people or groups, i see to it that it is objective, it's fair, and sticks to the issues. Although i abhor conflicts, but sometimes conflicts are necessary to make us grow, to make us realize the important issues, and compel us to act in a more mature way. i'm hoping that all the people here will see it in that light.

i remain.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger kons said...

Pahabol na comment regarding my "ramblings".
One possible reason for my wandering thoughts is that i see a problem or an issue from various angles, and that i link them to other phenomena, or happenings elsewhere. So i can somehow make the articles relate to things that are more associated with the audience. In most cases, i link to movies, as many of you have noticed. Again, i'm still trying to develop my craft, and hopefully, when i'm already "developed", my ramblings will tend to cease. And Fong, (forgot to mention her in the previous blog), thanks for the offer and "coming to my defense". It's much appreciated, but i prefer to do my own editing. i'd like to see how my writing progresses along as time goes by... (oops, yet another movie reference. In case you don't know, the line "as time goes by" comes from the movie "Casablanca") :)

At 8:59 AM, Blogger ben tumbling said...

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At 3:24 PM, Blogger super inday said...

okay, just a few last words from me on this topic. i know kons, therefore i can understand his writing better than some people. this comment is basically an explanation of kons' writing style (but of course, you should take it with a grain of salt as i am not expert on kons' personality) kons is, by nature, idealistic. and, living in an imperfect world, a lot of times his concepts of "how things should be" get shattered. translation: he gets frustrated. this leads to a generally bleak and negative view of the world. and this pessimism may creep into his writing.

kons wants to change the world. and he has a lot of ideas on how to do it. but, day in day out, he has to match wits with the rest of humanity. at the end of the day, our superhero is drained. cranky. moody. just plain pissed. though he might not really feel it, but his mind is tired, and his faith in people needs to be restored. he writes, hoping to influence others, maybe encourage them to join his cause. but, with the weight on the world on his shoulders and problems hanging in the back of his head, he tends to write in an angry tone.

what kons wants is for his readers to think. so he challenges us. to some poeple, this perceived as egging and goading instead of encouraging. but then, it could just be the frustration speaking.

kons isn't one to resort to name-calling. he's a very rational person. brooding, but rational. each writer has his own style, and for kons, it leans to the dark, gothic side. sometimes you have to see where a person is coming from to understand his work. a little effort for some understanding on both sides helps a lot.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger ben tumbling said...

Kons, "As Time Goes By", aside from being a song in Casablanca is also the title of its sequel. I really can't remember if it was a line in the movie as well. I don't recall someone saying it aside from Sam the piano man who sang the lyrics. It's probably when Ingrid Bergman who would have used it as a line. "Play it Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'"
I can't speak for everyone but I'm a movie nerd myself. Most of the people I know don't really connect with movie references especially old movies. In fact they find them obscure and sometimes confusing.
It's good to know that I'm not alone in being a movie nerd. hehehe

At 8:52 PM, Blogger ben tumbling said...

I think it's just better to come full circle on this topic. Poni said it best already from the very beginning, and I think it applies to all of us: "you think too much, just blog when you feel like it".
You don't have to write about what you're going to write about.
You then don't have to write about what you wrote about which you wrote about writing.
Furthermore, you don't have to write about why you wrote
about why you wrote about what you wrote which you wrote about writing.
And so on and so forth......
You just write.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Maniniyut said...

there's no such thing as overblogging. to fellow boks, just keep on posting. anyway, kung di mo naman gusto yung article pwede mo naman di basahin, di ba? basta walang personalan pagdating sa comments, trabaho lang.

tinkywinky, dipsie, lala, po!

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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